About / Hakkımda
Hi. I’m Bayram Çiçek.
I have a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University. I participated in Google Summer of Code 2021 & 2023 at LibreOffice. Now, I’m working at Collabora Productivity as an associate software engineer since October 2023.
about me: about.me/bayramcicek
contact / iletişim: bayramcicek2125@gmail.com
github: github.com/bayramcicek
gitlab: gitlab.com/bayramcicek
linkedin: linkedin.com/in/bayramcicek/
mastodon: fosstodon.org/@bayram
twitter: twitter.com/bayramcicek21
medium: medium.com/@cicek
libreoffice: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/q/owner:bayramcicek2125@gmail.com
collabora: github.com/CollaboraOnline/online/commits?author=bayramcicek
TDF wiki: wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:Bayramcicek
stackoverflow: stackoverflow.com/users/10376542/bayramcicek
mozilla add-ons: addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/user/15043848/
google play store: play.google.com/store/apps/dev?id=6087074203641646267
hackerrank: hackerrank.com/cicek
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