GSoC progress for week #10.

Calc: Border preview doesn’t show the diagonal borders in Cell Appearance section

In (Sidebar Tab) Properties > Cell Appearance, Calc always shows preview of the selected cell borders.

For example; if LEFT border set in a cell, the preview shows LEFT border (as expected). But this feature doesn’t show the preview of diagonal borders. When we set (e.g.)diagonal RIGHT border in a cell, the preview doesn’t update itself to show diagonal RIGHT border.

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. open Calc and select a cell
  2. (in Sidebar) go to “Properties > Cell Appearance”
  3. select Diagonal Up (and/or Down) border

Actual Results: Preview doesn’t show diagonal borders

Expected Results: Diagonal borders should be shown in the preview (as other borders).

Code pointers:

Technical Details

Line preview is drawn in:

void CellAppearancePropertyPanel::UpdateCellBorder(bool bTop, bool bBot, bool bLeft, bool bRight,
                                                   bool bVer, bool bHor)
    // ...

        pVirDev->DrawLine( aTL,aBL );
        pVirDev->DrawLine( aTR,aBR );
        pVirDev->DrawLine( aTL,aTR );
        pVirDev->DrawLine( aBL,aBR );
        pVirDev->DrawLine( aVT,aVB );


DrawLine() method draws the lines. Here, lines for diagonal borders are missing. We need to add DrawLine() method for them and update the parameters of the UpdateCellBorder(...) function:

void CellAppearancePropertyPanel::UpdateCellBorder(bool bTop, bool bBot, bool bLeft, bool bRight,
                                                   bool bVer, bool bHor,
                                                   bool bTLBR, bool bBLTR)

    /* ... */

        pVirDev->DrawLine( aTL,aBR );
        pVirDev->DrawLine( aBL,aTR );

    /* ... */








Created a new commit for tdf#51665: (WIP) Support diagonal borders in Writer-Tables


  • implement RES_BOX_TLBR attribute


  • improve case SID_ATTR_BORDER_DIAG_TLBR (tabsh.cxx)
  • add diagonal left condition in ndtbl1.cxx
  • try to draw diagonal left border:
    • drawing in a cell seems complicated.
    • currently it draw TLBR line on the document layout, not in current cell.
    • we have to draw TLBR line in current cell. (needs improvement)

IMHO, I think tdf#51665 can be a standalone GSoC project itself. In addition to drawing diagonal borders, we should also be able to change their color and style. To apply these 3 things (drawing, color, style), we have to change a lot of things in the codebase and we need more time.

Summary of week #10

  • Fixed: tdf#143890 - Border preview doesn’t show the diagonal borders
  • Worked on diagonal borders in Writer-Tables, and published 2 new patchsets


Next Week TO-DO

  • Write “Final Report” blog post
  • Make last changes on patches that on gerrit
  • try to draw diagonal borders for Writer-Tables.